Saturday, January 7, 2012

Where in the world is Angelica?

I have been MIA for a while (understatement) due to the usual reasons: grad applications, classes, stress over applications and classes, sigh.

At first, I thought I might be over blogging. But truthfully, I missed it terribly. When I went about my skincare routine, I thought about how I would write about the products I use. When I saw new stands at drugstores, I took pictures, but they stayed stagnant on my phone. :/ I love the makeup blogosphere and am eager to be a more active participant once again!

Here's a snapshot of my current daily life.

Isn't San Francisco just gorgeous!

Lol, I've actually been chilling (literally) in the Ottawa, Ontario region in eastern Canada. I have been here since Christmas Eve to spend some time with my partner and his family. I will be in Canada until mid-Janurary when school starts again.

Snowshoeing. The snow is soo fluffy! Like walking in cornstarch.

I'm trying to enjoy myself and just relax. Physicially being thousands of miles from school helps a bit. But I still need to work on some app stuff, so I still have to be on top of some school things!

Here's some snapshots of Canada (mostly food-related).

I'll be back very soon with more posts. I hope you have had a wonderful holiday! :D


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